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Risks and Complications

There are risks and complications involved in any surgery.  In addition, total hip replacements and hip resurfacing have their own risks and potential complications.

Risks related to ANY surgery:

Risks and complications relative to total hip replacements and hip resurfacing:

Fracture of the femur
Nerve injury
Deep vein thrombosis
Leg length discrepancies

Traditional THR (22-32mm femoral head): 2-4% risk for first hip replacement with a 1% increase every 5 years to a maximum of 7% at 25 years.  14-15% risk after revision to a second hip replacement.

Large head THR & resurfaced hip (38-51mm femoral head)Risk less than 1% (i.e. .3%)


Heterotopic ossification  (Growth of excess bone around the joint) 

more  HO Study  PowerPoint

Avascular Necrosis (AVN) (Applies only to hip resurfacing)
Loosening of the prosthesis 
Osteolysis (Particulate debris from the wearing of components)


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